How to flash T-01C3
@m4biz You need a USB to ttl converter called an ISP and it connects to the port on the end opposite the antenna.
Sometimes erroneously called a FTDI.
I have several, but this is my new baby!: -
Thanks for your reply.
I've USB to TTL converter but when I try to upload an arduino's sketch I receive this error:
I think it depend on the card must be in boot mode (like pushing a button on other kind of ESP32 cards) but here there are no buttons,...
How do you put the card in boot mode so that may you flash it? -
@m4biz GPIO9 is boot and rst is Reset.
You have to break these out to a breadboard and strap GPIO9 with a 10K to 100kohm pull up resistor and the same with reset. Shorting the Boot (9) to ground and then short reset to ground momentarily and then release Boot should put you into boot mode.
At the risk of hindsight I ALWAYS buy a board with USB !!!
This is my M5Stamp C3:
USD$ 6.00 (!)Here is the LilyGO T-Display S3 arrangement where Boot is GPIO 0:
image url)
Hi. Thanks for you reply again.
This my configuration:
I've tried to press :- Boot
- Reset (while boot is pressed)
- release Reset (while boot is pressed)
- release Boot
But nothing change.
I receive the same error.
Where am I wrong ?
@m4biz The circuit that I sent you was not drawn very clearly by LilyGO, So I edited it:
Your image shows the Boot and Reset in series with the resistor.
The top of the resistor should be on v3.3 and the lead should be on the switch side of the resistor.
-Terry -
I'll try.
Thanks for now. -
When you say VDD3V3, you mean:
a) that on the FT232-AZ USB auf TTL adapter:or
b) that on the LilyGO ESP32 module:
@m4biz The USB adapter is powered by 5v, obviously, and the ESP32 needs 3.3v.
Arduinos such as Arduino Uno and other Atmel chipped boards use 5v, so this option needs to be set to 3.3v for ESP32!
I did not know your TTL had this option, so set it to output 3.3v. -
Shure, the adapter is set on 3.3 V.
Anyway, in the circuit you have uploaded I see VDD3V3
I don't know where must I take this voltage from the ESP32 module or from the FT232 adapter ? -
@m4biz VDD and VCC are typical power supply markings in electronics.
The number VDD3V3 means 3.3v, which is a standard for all ESP32s and almost all new sensors.
Your board needs to be powered somehow, so set the TTL to 3.3v. The TTL will power the board.
After uploading your sketch you will need the TTL connected to power it, or you will have to get a standalone 3.3v power supply. -
Nothing to do.
I've tried all but don't works. -
Thank you for responding, I'm still willing to help.
It is ironic that these cheap "AliExpress" boards, like LilyGO and Lolin save you 3$ by not getting the USB model but require much more advanced experience to handle. I see this ALL THE TIME.
Even new guys with a ESP32 S3 latest board WITH USB will still be difficult to get a sketch downloaded and run.
I have been with Arduino for 10 years and these new boards are very difficult, not Plug'n'Play!
I could draw out a complete circuit for you, I f you like.
Also...does the Arduino IDE even recognize the port? -
(you need to cross over TX to RX so that the TTl TX is the LilyGO RX !) -
Thanks for you time.
@m4biz Fantastic news!
You can also put a small
In the loop to keep it from locking up and becoming very hard to upload another sketch!But: GREAT JOB !