T-Deck Won't Go Into DFU mode
I have 2 T-Decks which I purchased when they first came out. I'm just getting around to attempting to install Meshtastic on these two separate devices. I cannot seem to get this into a DFU state to load the firmware. Plug in USB while holding trackball doesn't work. Including the RST button into the mix isn't working either. Any other suggestions?
I'm having the same issue, I know I got mine the day they released them and I wonder if the BOOT is bad or some tweek was made to the later editions.
@fender21 Did you find a solution. I have exactly the same issue. Brand new devices out of the box. They have firmware on them which boots and runs diagnostics. All Diags appear to run successfully. I cannot get it to go into DFU Mode. Tried many combinations. When booted in diags the USB port is not recognizing anything either.