I am trying to flash software to the ESP32C3 section of the T-PicoC3. No success. I am using Arduino and have no problems with other controllers like ESP32 Dev module. I can also build and flash Pico software on the T-PicoC3 but flashing of the ESP32C3 controller does not work.
Traceback (most recent call last):
esptool.py v3.3
File "esptool.py", line 5387, in <module>
Serial port COM13
File "esptool.py", line 5380, in main
File "esptool.py", line 4687, in main
File "esptool.py", line 114, in get_default_connected_device
File "esptool.py", line 320, in init
File "serial_init.py", line 90, in serial_for_url
File "serial\serialwin32.py", line 80, in open
File "serial\serialwin32.py", line 222, in _reconfigure_port
serial.serialutil.SerialException: Cannot configure port, something went wrong. Original message: PermissionError(13, 'Ein an das System angeschlossenes Ger�t funktioniert nicht.', None, 31)
[7620] Failed to execute script 'esptool' due to unhandled exception!
Der ausgewählte serielle Port [7620] Failed to execute script 'esptool' due to unhandled exception!
ist nicht vorhanden oder das Board ist nicht angeschlossen
I see in ports: COM13( ESP32S3 Dev Module)
Why is this? Shouldn't it be ESP32C3???
Anyone with the same problem? (Or solution...;-)