the T-0.99TFT display, and it's code, as mentioned in the previous comment.
Posts made by jxk
RE: T-0.99TFT Source Code
T-0.99TFT Source Code
hello, im trying to make the .99 inch tft work on an Arduino, and when inspecting the source code for the esp library, i got quite confused by the following lines in the LCD_INIT of src/TFT_GC9D01N.cpp
RST_H; delay(80); RST_L; delay(80); RST_H; delay(480);
//ok the above lines reset the screen
writecommand(0xFE); writecommand(0xEF);
//based on the datasheet provided, this unlocks the inner register set
writecommand(0x80); writedata(0xFF); writecommand(0x81); writedata(0xFF);
//now this (and the other commands that don't match with any hex calls in the datasheet) is what i don't understand. what does it do here exactly. 0x80 is a setting in set_gamma1, but shouldn't then F0 should be called to arrive at set_gamma1?
and then 0x81-0x8E lines aren't even mentioned in the whole datasheet.
so my question is, how do those lines work, what functions do they perform for the screen, or is this leftover code from adapting this library from other screens?