Hi, I have recently purchased a T-watch 2021 and, since Circuit Python is the only language I am familiar with, I would like to find out if I can program it just using python, and what "kind" of python I would beed to use (can I use Circuitpython or it has to be Micropython?).
I looked on the Lilygo GitHub page (https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-Watch-2021) and it seems that all the software available for the T-watch 2021 is in Arduino / C++
However I have read on the Lilygo product page that it can be programmed with pyhton.
Can anyone clarify whether it can actually be done and what I would need to do? Where can I find the libraries/modules? Can I just write any python code on Platform IO and upload it to the board?
Thanks in advance