@teastain2 I'll try this and will report back. Thank you.
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RE: Partition Not found / Please Set the Partition
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Camera not connecting to server. Broken thumbnail.
I'm testing the camera on my T-SIM7080G S3. I'm running the standard CameraWebServer script (see below) and have added the necessary chip/camera attributes. I've had everything working just a week ago. Now suddenly the camera doesn't supply an image to the server.
The script complies and uploads correctly. The camera (OV2640) configures correctly too, and I receive no errors. However, all I see is the above broken image thumbnail.
Things I've Tried:
- Different usbc power cables
- Using battery power
- Bought new OV2640 cameras
- Different camera server scripts
- Multiple combinations of reset & boot buttons
- Cleaned ribbon cable connector
I'm stumped! Anyone have ideas?
Script I'm using. CameraWebServer.ino:
#include "esp_camera.h" #include <WiFi.h> #include <Arduino.h> #define XPOWERS_CHIP_AXP2101 #include "XPowersLib.h" // // WARNING!!! PSRAM IC required for UXGA resolution and high JPEG quality // Ensure ESP32 Wrover Module or other board with PSRAM is selected // Partial images will be transmitted if image exceeds buffer size // // You must select partition scheme from the board menu that has at least 3MB APP space. // Face Recognition is DISABLED for ESP32 and ESP32-S2, because it takes up from 15 // seconds to process single frame. Face Detection is ENABLED if PSRAM is enabled as well // =================== // Select camera model // =================== #define LILYGO_ESP32S3_CAM_SIM7080G // Has PSRAM #include "camera_pins.h" // =========================== // Enter your WiFi credentials // =========================== const char* ssid = "REMOVED"; const char* password = "REMOVED!"; void startCameraServer(); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.setDebugOutput(true); Serial.println(); camera_config_t config; config.pin_d0 = Y2_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d1 = Y3_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d2 = Y4_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d3 = Y5_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d4 = Y6_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d5 = Y7_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d6 = Y8_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d7 = Y9_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_xclk = XCLK_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_pclk = PCLK_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_vsync = VSYNC_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_href = HREF_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_sccb_sda = SIOD_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_sccb_scl = SIOC_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_pwdn = PWDN_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_reset = RESET_GPIO_NUM; config.xclk_freq_hz = 20000000; config.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_UXGA; config.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_JPEG; // for streaming //config.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_RGB565; // for face detection/recognition config.grab_mode = CAMERA_GRAB_WHEN_EMPTY; config.fb_location = CAMERA_FB_IN_PSRAM; config.jpeg_quality = 12; config.fb_count = 1; // if PSRAM IC present, init with UXGA resolution and higher JPEG quality // for larger pre-allocated frame buffer. if (config.pixel_format == PIXFORMAT_JPEG) { if (psramFound()) { config.jpeg_quality = 10; config.fb_count = 2; config.grab_mode = CAMERA_GRAB_LATEST; } else { // Limit the frame size when PSRAM is not available config.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_SVGA; config.fb_location = CAMERA_FB_IN_DRAM; } } else { // Best option for face detection/recognition config.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_240X240; #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 config.fb_count = 2; #endif } // camera init esp_err_t err = esp_camera_init(&config); if (err != ESP_OK) { Serial.printf("Camera init failed with error 0x%x Please check if the camera is connected well.", err); while (1) { delay(5000); } } sensor_t *s = esp_camera_sensor_get(); // initial sensors are flipped vertically and colors are a bit saturated if (s->id.PID == OV3660_PID) { s->set_vflip(s, 1); // flip it back s->set_brightness(s, 1); // up the brightness just a bit s->set_saturation(s, -2); // lower the saturation } // drop down frame size for higher initial frame rate if (config.pixel_format == PIXFORMAT_JPEG) { s->set_framesize(s, FRAMESIZE_QVGA); } #if defined(LILYGO_ESP32S3_CAM_PIR_VOICE) s->set_vflip(s, 1); s->set_hmirror(s, 1); #endif WiFi.begin(ssid, password); WiFi.setSleep(false); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); startCameraServer(); Serial.print("Camera Ready! Use 'http://"); Serial.print(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.println("' to connect"); } void loop() { // Do nothing. Everything is done in another task by the web server delay(10000); }
#if defined(LILYGO_ESP32S3_CAM_SIM7080G) #define PWDN_GPIO_NUM (-1) #define RESET_GPIO_NUM (18) #define XCLK_GPIO_NUM (8) #define SIOD_GPIO_NUM (2) #define SIOC_GPIO_NUM (1) #define VSYNC_GPIO_NUM (16) #define HREF_GPIO_NUM (17) #define PCLK_GPIO_NUM (12) #define Y9_GPIO_NUM (9) #define Y8_GPIO_NUM (10) #define Y7_GPIO_NUM (11) #define Y6_GPIO_NUM (13) #define Y5_GPIO_NUM (21) #define Y4_GPIO_NUM (48) #define Y3_GPIO_NUM (47) #define Y2_GPIO_NUM (14) #define I2C_SDA (15) #define I2C_SCL (7) #define PMU_INPUT_PIN (6) #define BUTTON_CONUT (1) #define USER_BUTTON_PIN (0) #define BUTTON_ARRAY {USER_BUTTON_PIN} #define BOARD_MODEM_PWR_PIN (41) #define BOARD_MODEM_DTR_PIN (42) #define BOARD_MODEM_RI_PIN (3) #define BOARD_MODEM_RXD_PIN (4) #define BOARD_MODEM_TXD_PIN (5) #define USING_MODEM #define SDMMC_CMD (39) #define SDMMC_CLK (38) #define SDMMC_DATA (40) #else #error "Camera model not selected" #endif
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