Lilygo T-RGB 2.8" display not working with SquareLine Studio
Hello, I purchased wonderful round display 2,8" Lilygo T-RGB but can't make it work with SquareLine Studio Arduino, installed all libraries like said in Github page but nothing, compiles normaly, but no picture at all. Lilygo samples working, but when compiling SLS sketch nothing, maybe someone has made template for SLS that works with Lilygo T-RGB display?
Hi! LilyGO products require that you use only the TFT_eSPI or lvgl version SUPPLIED with the board!
This is from their GitHub repository:"LilyGo-T-RGB depends on lvgl v8.3.x version. Currently lvgl has released lvgl v9.0 version. When compilation error occurs, please check whether lvgl belongs to v8.3.x"
So, you must copy the supplied-by-LilyGO libraries and overwrite the standard Arduino IDE libraries for the display to work.
You must also resist allowing the Arduino IDE to do a 'Library Update'
Hope this helps -Terry
Yestedray at late night
finaly managed to work, to do this I deleted almost all code from ui.ino file, used Lilygo suplied libraries of lvgl, now code of ui.ino looks like this:
#include <LilyGo_RGBPanel.h>
#include <LV_Helper.h>
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include <ui.h>LilyGo_RGBPanel panel;
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200);// Initialize T-RGB, if the initialization fails, false will be returned. if (!panel.begin()) { while (1) { Serial.println("Error, failed to initialize T-RGB"); delay(1000); } } // Call lvgl initialization beginLvglHelper(panel); ui_init(); Serial.println( "Setup done" ); panel.setBrightness(16);
void loop()
lv_timer_handler(); /* let the GUI do its work */
}Later will make SLS template, thanks for advices ;-).
Good morning,
I'm a newbie on this king of sfotware development and I just wanto to do an project with a several screens on lilygo t-rgb 2.8'' to control 2 servo motors but my screen remains always black... I already tried almost everything but maybe the problem is my waek knolegment about this area...
Can you share with me a simple project working with SquareLine Studio and Arduino IDE?Thank you for you help
Hugo Pereira