S3 Amoled Touch, available GPIOs?
I'm finding myself curious how many of the existing hardware pins (GPIO's) are available for us to use?
The Touch version of the display would logically need more connections to the MCU than the non-touch version?
For instance, GPIO 1, 10, 11,12,13,14 are marked with TOUCH (in blue) on the pin layout (see attached picture) that Lilygo offers. Does this mean that these 6 pins are not available to us?
Also, the orange/yellow marked pins, for instance MTMS, MTDI, MTDO, are these pins availble to us when using the TOUCH version?
EDIT: Upon further inspection and comparison with the ESP32-S3 Datasheet, something is not correct with Lilygo's labeling. For instance IO44 is marked MTCK from ESPressifs datasheet, but Lilygo put this at pin 39?
I have managed to "unconfuse" myself
regarding my last point about Lilygo's labelling of pins.
Somehow my brain made a connection between physical pin number on PCB and GPIO. It seemed incorrect that they were identical.
I see my mistake now.But the other questions remain. I accidentally ordered the version without soldered pins, so it's a bit difficult for me to test if all GPIO's on PCB are available for us.