LilyGo-T-SIM7080G power consumption
Re: LilyGo-T-SIM7080G and PMU AXP2101
Hi, I'm testing this device too, but not contented
Since the device is equipped with an LPWAN modem, a battery and solar charging, I was convinced that it could be used to build a final low-power IoT device.
The scenario should look like this: the device works briefly, performs tasks (measurements), sends them to the cloud, then goes to sleep (deep sleep) and turns off the power to the sensors, it consumes very little power itself. Unfortunately, the designers connected the ESP32 power supply to the output of the PMU DC_DC1 converter, they did not even bother to connect it to the LDO !!!. It is true that you can programmatically turn off the DC_DC1 power supply, but then ESP will never wake up again. When the processor goes into deep sleep (it then consumes about 7uA) the whole device with the working DC_DC1 converter consumes 250 uA !!! this is suitable for scrap and not to work as an IoTIs there a different power model in this module to significantly reduce power consumption in deep sleep mode?
@sq4cvh I have the same issue and same high current consumption.
I thought I was wrong but I see I'm not the only one....