Input voltage LilyGo TTGO v1.3 ILI9341 T-Watcher ESP32 Moudle 8M IP5306 I2C Development Board For Arduino With 2.2 Inch 320*240 TFT
I have 12V input voltage. Please give an advise how I can make correct
input voltage for the LilyGo TTGO. I thought about LM317T, but pleased any advise. Thank you! -
@scheeri The 12V input voltage is a bit too large. 5V input can be used normally, but this product does not have an external power input pin. Therefore, you can only use USB power supply or power supply. I am so sorry.
Thank you for your answer! Can I use the red lined connector directly with 5V?
@scheeri It can be connected to 5v, but after connecting to 5v, you cannot plug in USB at the same time.