Is it possible to determine if device is T-Display-S3 or TTGO
Just wondering if it is possible in the code to determine what kind of device (i.e., display size) is being used?
Also is it possible to get the NIC or unique serial number of the device?
If so, please post the code on how to do the above.
@vintageslots when you upload a program to the device, in ArduinoIDE there are these messages in the bottom of the scree in red/orange: v4.2.1
Serial port /dev/cu.usbmodem101
Chip is ESP32-S3
Features: WiFi, BLE
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 68:b6:b4:21:63:19
You can tell if it is T-Display or older TTGO by looking at them. The T-Display S3 has a screen that covers the while board(!) and the TTGO does not.My setup and example GitHub repository: GitHub;