[TTGO T8 ESP32-S2] TFT_eSPI settings for Arduino?
I'm a newbie, and can't get the display to work in Arduino.
What settings should I use in Bodmer's User_Setup.h file, considering the Read_User_Setup.ino returns the following:
TFT_eSPI ver = 2.4.72 Processor = ESP32 Frequency = 240MHz Transactions = Yes Interface = SPI Display driver = 9341 Display width = 240 Display height = 320 MOSI = GPIO 23 MISO = GPIO 23 SCK = GPIO 18 TFT_CS = GPIO 15 TFT_DC = GPIO 0 TFT_RST = GPIO 2 Font GLCD loaded Font 2 loaded Font 4 loaded Font 6 loaded Font 7 loaded Font 8 loaded Smooth font enabled Display SPI frequency = 27.00
Thank you.
Edit: It appears TFT_eSPI won't work on that board, since "the interface has no DC pin so it is not compatible with the interface type supported by the library." (source)