The LilyGO site for your product is here:

And they say to use micropython from here:

I found the schematic here:

There are never any MicroPython programming tips or example by LilyGO .
All the examples are C++, intended for the Arduino IDE !

Python may be fun and easy on established platforms like Adafruit boards, but...
There may be no drivers (called "libraries" in C language) for your LCD screen and LORA and you will have to program them yourself using low-level code.
C language is the most common language on Earth(!) Arduino boards were developed to use C (C++)15 years ago and there is a multitude of examples and libraries available, easily updated.

Simple Arduino IDE program:

//words preceded by "//"" are comments and are not executed bool ticktock; //declare ticktock as a boolean flag void setup() { //runs once on start up Serial.begin (115200); //open the serial port for USB cable } void loop() { //runs in circles! ticktock = !ticktock; //every pass through reverse the flag if (ticktock) { //test current value of the ticktock flag Serial.println("tick"); } else { //prints one or the other to the USB port Serial.println("tock"); } delay (1000); //wait for a second and run again! }

This program will compile and run on literally thousands of microcontrollers!