Problem initialicing Power Managment Unit
Hi, im using a LilyGo camera S3, trying the examples given in the github repository im having problems with the Xpower library. At the moment of uploading the sketch MinimalPowersExample the answer is "failed to initialize power....". I tried to change parameters and the Xpower version but is useless.
Have you been able to upload ANY examples or other sketches?
@teastain2 Yes, nothing works, and i missed that im using a T_SIMCAM board, I thougth that it was a S3 but i was wrong.
Im getting trouble inicialiting the camera, and i get this error:
I think is because in the inicialization parameters of the camera im not putting the correct values on the SDA and SDL. Looking on the SIMCAM pinmap I don't find the values for that pins.Thanks for the help, is my first time with these type of boards :))))
Can you leave a link to the sketch that you are trying to run?
The i2c SDA, SCL are usually set in the sketch or the library header...if you are downloading a sketch by LilyGO for your exact board.
Are you using Arduino IDE 2.x.x?
The official LilyGO GitHub repository is here:
Including the T-SIMCAM with schematics.
-TerryBTW the T-SIMCAM uses an S3, I believe!
@teastain2 Thank you. It was the pins that were wrong, I looked at the schemes on the lilygo github and put the rigth ones.
Is realy confusing that if you download a program for a board it gives you the pins wrong :////