I tried the examples from "https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-Display-S3". So far I only managed to upload the "factory" sketch. The other examples are black display. Can anyone help?
I would appreciate a simple functional sketch.
Thanks. -
OK! I too had problems getting the T-Display S3 working, so I made a GitHub repository of instructions and two simple tutorial examples:
On GitHub press the green Code button, download and expand the .zip file and follow the instructions in the README.MD and the setup text.
-Terry -
@teastain Hi.
Thanks for the help, unfortunately the screen is still black.
I set it up according to the instructions, the display doesn't even light up.
I don't know where I'm making a mistake anymore. serial monito says "In loop!"
Same setup---build "factory"--sent to ESP--hours OK -
@eifel69 Serial monitor is half the battle...it means my example is running!
I found that the Arduino library TFT_eSPI WILL NOT work with this board.
If the Arduino version is installed, you must remove it and make a slight change to the filename to prevent the IDE from discovering it.
The TFT_eSPI library from my download NEEDS to be in the main library!
Sometimes the board needs some "fiddling" which I cannot explain.
Try pressing the little black button on the underside which is reset.
pressing the left key marked BOT and the reset key at the same time.
Please report back if you succeed, so I can add it to the setup text.
-Terry -
@teastain Hi.Finally success.
I uninstalled the "IDE", deleted the folder from "AppData...", the folder from "Documents....".
New "IDE" installation, inserting libraries into "Documents....".Board----esp32s3 module,Flashsize-16Mb,PSRAM-OPIPSRAM,PartitionScheme-HugeAPP(3MbNoOTA/1MB SPIFFS),USBMode-HardwareCDCandJTAG... .
@teastain I still have a question. I like the font on the "Leaf Clock" clock. Is it stored in "font_Alibaba.h"? How to use it in a sketch.
Thanks. -
@eifel69 Well, glad (!) you got it running.
I have not used the Leaf Font but it sounds charming...I'll look for it! -
@teastain It should be part of the sample sketch "factory" " from https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-Display-S3 ".
I just can't use it. -
I was able to see the clock lettering (Alivaba font) by opening up the ESPTouch app and passing my WiFi credentials while the FACTORY was loaded in my T-Display-S3.My favorite YouTuber Volos has a good video where he covers how to use custom fonts.
https://youtu.be/R-qFKemDFyMThis is part 3, so itโs also worth reviewing parts 1 and 2. Hope that helps.
UPDATE: Just realized my clock is an hour off. Hope your results are better.