T4 S3 AMOLED - Touch Sensitivity/Debounce example?
Hey folks,
New to forum, I have a few LilyGo devices I'm trying to program touch input for, specifically an "auto-sleep" based on detected inputs. The challenge I have is the T4 S3 is detecting excessive false touches, and I can't seem to get any debounce solutions to stick.
Any best practice for these devices? examples would be amazing
@rusty6285 Just to be clear, does your device resister a 'touch' without you touching it?
Are you programming in Arduino IDE v2.x.x. ?
Usually only interrupts and counters need de-bouncing.
There are lots of Arduino IDE tutorials and even whole libraries dedicated to this subject.
I only use de-bounce with interrupts with a custom routine that I developed just for that situation.
Let me know what is you use-case and I will try to help.