@zhang-lilygo As VID we could use USB_VID = 0x2E8A (that's the Raspberry Pi foundation) and simply need to request a new PID in the Google form, linked in https://github.com/raspberrypi/usb-pid . But this has to be done by the Lilygo company. Can someone from Lilygo please request this PID? We have a post from https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LILYGO-T-display-RP2040/issues/5 that the request was done in May 24, 2022. But no PID so far.
Can someone from Lilygo request the PID again? And a second one for the T-PicoC3? The board description is complete and working with Circuitpython 8.1.0 but it is not published because the PID is missing.