@teastain Hey Terry. Thank you so much for the guidance! Plus I would've pulled my hair out trying to figure out that SDA and SCL were swapped! I started down the rabbit hole and then wasn't sure if I had to go through the whole process of enabling I2C, which is a bit beyond my knowledge.
I'm trying to connect an Adafruit BNO055 IMU to the LilyGo. The weird part is that when I run a port scanner I get absolutely no serial output. This is what I used: https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/I2cScanner/. I also tried to specify ports 43 and 44 in the scanning, and still nothing. The T-QT doesn't seem to have any default SDA/SCL ports and my understanding is that I could use any of the open GPIOs.
Anyway, thanks a ton for your help. I will give this a shot and let you know.